About Delphi Maritime


About Delphi Maritime

Delphi Maritime harnesses and integrates the collective expertise of Industry experts, executives, management and vessel crew members to create innovative and powerful business solutions to invest, insure and operate successfully in the maritime industry.

The foundation of our business values is 50 years of seagoing experience. The same principles that serve to guide a vessel and crew safely, efficiently and profitably from one port to another are equally appropriate as guiding principles in shaping our business values ashore.


We create mutual respect and credibility between client and consultant; it is a captain-to-captain relationship.


We are accountable for following through on the commitments for service, products, performance and value; we stand our watch to the end of the voyage.

Attention to Detail:

We achieve high performance standards by demanding discipline, attention to detail and quality in every business venture; success at sea tolerates nothing less.


Every project, every voyage requires crossing the bar of excellence.


We navigate challenges guided by the beacons of truth and honesty.


We bring passion and persistence to every project; passion is the fuel, persistence is the power to fulfill our commitment to a complete voyage.


A good captain is a good leader, one that navigates the ship with precision and empowers the crew with confidence and professional fellowship.


We are guided by a compass that always points towards the truth.


Loyalty is our bond with clients. Weathering storms at sea or in business requires dependable, trusted shipmates.

Captain Jeff Slesinger

Captain Slesinger’s career spans over 40-years as tug captain, port captain, safety director, marine surveyor, auditor and author. In 2008, Captain Slesinger created his own company, Delphi Maritime, to create innovative business, safety and training solutions for the maritime industry.


The Company develops and implements onboard and shoreside continuing professional development programs and conducts audits and surveys. He has authored two books and creates onboard and simulator based training programs.


Captain Slesinger is committed to promoting the professionalism of the brown and blue water mariner and has collaborated with individual companies, maritime training institutions and national organizations to develop recruitment, training and retention programs to achieve that goal. Captain, educator, author and surveyor—Captain Slesinger brings the expertise of a mariner’s eye to maritime business, safety and training issues.